The fact is I was more upset about the outfit than what happened when I was waking up.
1) Before anything I'll say I was already knowing I was in a dream, but somehow forgot that
2) In the dream I'm acting as if I were one of my characters "Jessica."
So, I'm entering back into this house, going upstairs. As I'm heading too my room I see a girl in the bathroom with a needle in her hand. She sees that I saw her and I took off running to my room, but she caught me.
She stood right behind me with the needle in her hand, she said something like, "Why don't you give it a hit?" I was trying to get away from her right after she said that she hit me with the needle in my neck.
I turned back to throw er off of me and she disappeared. Nothing was happening to me. Later at school I'm in a meeting staring at an empty space like usual, but everything started looking crazy and my vision blurred. I was going insane and collapsed on the floor.
Lastly, when I finally woke up, I'm already moving about without realizing it. I was going home and when I was there I was once again heading through the hall with "Jake"(another charzcter who's just a friend) ahead of me.
As I walked past the door from this morning my arms, head and neck started throbbing like crazy and threw me in for a loop making me fall again. Jake caught me when I was very close to hiting the floor. I can't grasp what I'm doing anymore, but I start grabbing up to him putting my arms around him.
Sadly, that's when I woke up my head, neck, and arms throbbing going, "Did she kiss him or not?! and why did I not wear my qipao?!"
For about the next 5 minutes I felt like I had been drugged though. Eck.